About Us
Learn more about us! Serving the Prescott, Prescott Valley, and surrounding areas, Keller Williams Arizona Realty in Prescott is a full-service REALTOR® group. Our real estate team serves buyers, sellers, and investors. Leveraging our team model lets you receive the best service in the most timely manner from top producers in this market. Our team knows that buying and selling a home offers times of excitement as well as stress for our clients. We believe our state-of-the-art website will help you refine your journey and experiences as you search for real estate.
The Leadership Team at Keller Williams Arizona Realty in Prescott includes several of the nation’s most successful agents. Our brokerage focuses on customers first, and uses a technology-driven approach to help all of our clients successfully buy and sell their homes. Here in the Prescott area, our team has experience with all types of properties. From working ranches to single family homes, acreages to condominiums, we have the depth of experience our clients need. Our team places all of our experience, resources, and skill sets to use to help every client through their home buying and selling process. We are here to help our clients at each and every step.
Take the time to learn more about us and our team by contacting us to arrange an appointment. Our Leadership Team is happy to speak with you. Let us show you why you should consider Keller Williams Arizona Realty in Prescott as your brokerage of choice.
Are You a New or Prospective Agent Who Wants to Join KWAZ?
If you want to join our team, you are in the right place! Keller Williams Arizona Realty in Prescott has become the brokerage of choice in the local Prescott, Prescott Valley, and surrounding areas real estate market. Our growth and strong commitment to our agents proves the success of our team model. When you choose to join our team, you can expect all of the following:
- Proprietary Keller Williams technology that will drive your success
- An Administration team known for its excellence and customer service
- A very generous capped commission structure
- Access to training courses, classes, and seminars (many at no cost!)
- Several exciting events including Masterminds, All Partners Meetings, and Holiday parties
- Assistance for any real estate need or question you may have